a typing mistake was made, please see correction in bold font. Thank you! E.g. Material is available = 10.08.2011 Transport is arranged on = 7.08.2011 In VL01N, Selection date = 5.08.2011 (& NOT 15.08.2011), then you get the error message. Delivery can NOT be created. Change selection date to = 7.08.2011 , you can create delivery. Irrespective of delivery date or any other dates & information w.r.t ATP, stock.
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Typewriter Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 9:47 AM Subject: Selection date in delivery Hi, a) In VL01N, field "selection date" checks the Material availability date & the Transportation planning date. If selection date is equal to or later than any of these 2 dates, then delivery is created. Thus, if material is available or transport has been arranged, user can create a delivery. It has NOTHING to do with delivery date or material in stock or ATP stock! E.g. Material is available = 10.08.2011 Transport is arranged on = 7.08.2011 In VL01N, Selection date = 15.08.2011, then you get the error message. Delivery can NOT be created. Change selection date to = 7.08.2011, you can create delivery. Irrespective of delivery date or any other dates & information w.r.t ATP, stock. b) If there is insufficient stock than you can NOT do PGI User shall get error message - Deficit of SL Unrestricted-use 4 EA : CH200-V360 ZN10 0001 Message no. M7021 To conclude, the shipping process goes through a series of steps like creation of delivery, picking, packing, PGI, transport to ShipTo address. Thus SAP check different criteria for creation & processing of different documents. Delivery note creation is "further ahead/before" in the process chain than PGI. If you have more questions, or anything is not clear; please post them. If this post has been helpful then mark it as helpful by clicking on the "thumps-up" sign to the right of the post. | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 Toolbox.com and message author. Toolbox.com 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Typewriter SAP Logistics Sales and Distribution Enthusiast
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