Re: [sap-log-sd] Variant Configuration: Unable to change Configuration Profile for a Material in CU42

Posted by vinod1203 (Sr. Analyst)
on Aug 31 at 3:49 AM
The material for which u are trying to release the
Configuration profile, does not have a variant class assigned to it.
Please open the material master of the corresponding material
And kindly assign a variant class (class type 300) in the classification tab
Save the material master.

Open cu42 for the material and set the status from locked to

Please let me know if y have any queries.

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---------------Original Message---------------
From: syamala m
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 12:55 AM
Subject: Variant Configuration: Unable to change Configuration Profile for a Material in CU42

When I am trying to create a Configurable Material in CU42, I am unable to change the status from Locked to Released. The error msg is:

You cannot release the profile until you assign a class of class type 300
Message no. CU765

You want to assign released status to the profile. However, this is not allowed until the configurable object has been allocated to a class of class type 300.

System Response
The system found that the configurable object is not allocated to any classes of this class type.

Allocate the object to a class.

Kindly help.

Thanks and regards,

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