Re: [sap-log-sd] VA02 - Need Access to Sales Document Already Created

Posted by WaltWoo
on Jul 11 at 7:08 PM
Hi Typewriter,

Thank you for your solutions road map and your good own and recommended testing sequence in your SAP system indicated in your email below.

I am now able to answer your questions in the numbered sequence below in your email. I got a little tied up this morning at work.

A) In TC VA03 I checked for sales order 5000002. For the first TC VA03 that I used, I used as my inputs, sales order = 5000002, sold-to party = 100096, and PO = PO-112. Likewise, for the second TC VA03, I used as my inputs sales order = 8165, sold-to party = 100096, and PO = PO-112. Both VA03 views displayed the SAME sales order data, so I assume it's the same sales order, since both times VA03 displayed " document" field = 8165 . There was no field in the display that displayed the document data value 5000002 for VA03, ether via entering sales order (as an input field, along with sold-to party and PO #) = 5000002 or entering sales order (as an input field) = 8185.

On this occasion for the first time , I first got displays of tabbed data fields (for me to update as needed I assume), such as tabs for a) Sales tab, b) Billing tab, and c) Accounting tab, d) Conditions tab, and e) Assignment tab, to name several. I entered some data, and then saved the sales order 5000002. I first got the only error message "Legal Control: Issue Error Log - Item" for document # 8185" for my material (Nokia phones), then went into material master via TC MM02 for Nokia to supply the missing data needed for the Legal Control section, and then went back to VA02 to save it with no errors this time. The order = 5000002 is now is in open status, which I have not seen before in the earlier sales order 5000001 due to the previous and still existing errors I was receiving . Condition type PR00 appeared as well for 5000002 as I expected it to appear . This time I also did not get the error for the condition MWST that I received previously in 5000001. I checked in MM02 for Nokia that MWST output tax was still set for zero tax (i.e. no taxes). I did not change the pricing procedure for 8165 - it is same as for 8164 The plant TABA also appeared in VA02 for sales order 5000002 , it did not for 5000001 (I could not enter the plant in the header portion of both sales orders , but I entered the plant in the detailed material portion at the bottom of the screen for VA02 for sales order 5000002. Also the SP, BP, PY and SH parties were also all populated already for 5000002 .

It would seem that it would take some more practice to create partner determination procedure ZEGT customized customer groups (ZEG1, ZEG2, and different address for PY customer account group from the other customer account groups for the same customer, a sales representative customer account group, etc.) properly, as I would need for sales order = 5000001. The relationships between partners are more complex, and this is my main lesson learned.

Q1 - Why did I not get the MWST error message this time? You must have anticipated that this error would not re-appear in sales order 5000002 per your email below.

Then I created another sales order with VA01 with inputted fields sales order = 5000003, sold-to party = 100096, and PO = PO-113. I then via VA02 accessed the sales order with the inputs sales order = 5000003, sold-to party = 100096, and PO = PO-113, but as of this morning, the number 8166 did not appear via the TC VN01. The last sequence # shown via VN01 was still 8165. Therefore I could not use sales order = 8186 to access this newly created sales order 5000003 via VA02 or VA03. (I will check for it later tonight and the next couple of days and let you know.)

Q2. It also appears that I cannot create a new sales order with an internal sales order number (I attempted to without success), but I can access a sales document with an internal sales order number via VA02 and VA03, once the internal sales number is later generated and is made available by SAP. Does this description describe the situation correctly?

Q3 - Is it necessary to create a user exit for the number range for each and every SD implementation? Is the reason largely because the internal number and external numbers need to be synchronized (it seems like the problem is a timing issue when making the NEXT internal number available)? Which number should be used by (or preferred by) the end user, the external number or internal number, or should both be available to the end user?

Thank you.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Typewriter
Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2011 10:14 PM
Subject: VA02 - Need Access to Sales Document Already Created

Hi Walt,
Thank you for your detailed post. It has interesting information.
A) "Sales order having 2 #s" (i.e. 8164 instead of 5000001) -
I tested by creating sales orders and numbering them externally (giving a number self) and internally (system allocated). I did NOT find any "abnormalities".
- VOV8, my sales doc type has internal no. 01, external no. 02
- created sales order in VA01, gave external number 5000009, saved it
- next created sales order in VA01, gave internal number, saved it, 14164
- created sales order in VA01, gave external number 5000010, saved it
- next created sales order in VA01, gave internal number, saved it, 14165
Basically lets try to find out if for every sales order, system is creating 2 numbers (internal and external)
Do below test -
- In VA03 check for sales order 5000002
- If yes, then is it a copy of 8165?
- If not, then In VA01 create a sales order with external number 5000002, save it. (i.e. type in 5000002 as the sales order #)
- In VA01 create sales order with internal # range, save it. What is the sales order #?
A.1 Have you or your SAP team added "number range" userexist into the original application?
Take a look at an example - 533

B) "mandatory pricing condition MWST missing"
B.1 While creating sales order # 8165, did you face this error message?
B.2 Are you using the same pricing procedure for 8165 as for 8164?
B.3 Are you using the same Plant for 8165 as for 8164?
This error message maybe when -
Plant or departure county is missing, from item line in VA01
Or when NO condition records are created for MWST in VK11
Or the Tax determination procedure is not setup e.g. Tax classification etc.

B.4 In VA02 give 8164, goto Tab Conditions at item level. Click "Analysis". Goto cond type MWST; see the analysis - why it was not populated in your sales order. Also convey it to us.
After getting more input about questions B.1,2,3,4; further steps could be thought

Helpful link for "mandatory pricing......." -

Your questions -
Q1 - "In addition I received NO messages, including warning messages , of any kind whatsoever for any incomplete sales orders. Apparently I can save partially completed sales orders just like I can save partially completed customer master records. Is this true?"
A1 - It depends upon your configuration / settings.
- In incompletion if you set, do not save sales document if it incomplete; then system shall not allow user to save unless it is complete. (in VOV8, field "incomplete message" = activate it; you can NOT save incomplete sales orders)
- For CMR, if you have mentioned in the account group that a field is mandatory, then you can not save the CMR unless you have filled in that field.


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