Re: [sap-log-sd] Credit Customer Blocked

Posted by srikant (SAP SD Senior Cnsultant)
on Aug 1 at 2:18 AM
Hi Experts,

For the same customer we are able to create Sales order without the credit block but when we tried to create for the same customer & material ,Ship to party through Auto Job create we were not able to create Sales order.
Checked the open items that are overdue and many open items are there for the same customer but still could not understand how system is allowing to create Sales order. And also not allowing to create through Auto jobs and we are getting the Below Error message as
E V1154 Order Receipt/delivery not possible, credit customer blocked (Inquiry)

Any one can guide on how to proceed further?

Thanks in Advance


---------------Original Message---------------
From: srikant
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2011 10:37 AM
Subject: Credit Customer Blocked

When we are trying to create sales order for a customer the error message V1154 order receipt/delivery not possible is displayed
credit management
credit limit 1,450,000.00
Receivables 666,094.09
Sales value 11,126.92
ie credit exposure ?677,221.01
for that customer credit limit exposure is 47 %
DSO 35
Clearing amount 2,322,536.15
have checked in FD33 -credit management and there are no open items currently for this customer
also checked the credit managment for sold to party /payee etc

any reason why the sales order is not able to create
in OVA8 settings also oldest open items is 5 days
open order s/open DO's static check is maintained
Horizon is T -Daily
there are no oldest open item overdue

any reason /need to check any other than the above?


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RE:[sap-log-sd] Document XXXXXXXX saved (no accounting document generated)

Posted by SAPnina
on Jul 31 at 7:11 PM
I am facing the same problem. "No accounting document generated". Where should I check first, profit center, account determination??
What is the difference between credit note and credit memo??
Should the creating be automatic or is there any check in configuration that makes it manual??
Thanks in advance

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Isaac Pena
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 2:03 PM
Subject: Document XXXXXXXX saved (no accounting document generated)

Greatings ,,,
Looking forward to clear up thei issue. The AR rep. created a "Debit Memo" to charge some repair services creating a "ZXXX" Debit Memo doc type business as usual. No issues with that, the billing and accounting docs where generated, no concern so far. Now, for some reason, the business wants to issue a "Credit Memo" back for a portion of the previous charge. The user generated a "ZXXX" Credit Memo document and when she wanted to post it, delevered an error "Document XXXXXXXX saved (No accounting document generated) I have reviwed the ZFX3 in order to get into the details, and seems that form some reason is considering a different Profit Center from the one that I have in my Material Master ,,, any clues where I can see the PC determination ??

I really appreciate your time and concern on this

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RE:[sap-log-sd] Credit management-Why have values not been updated in FD32?

Posted by Typewriter
on Jul 31 at 4:33 PM
Hi Experts,

I have configured Credit management.

After creating a sales order. The field "Sales value" (RF02L-SAUFT) in FD33 is NOT getting updated. It remains 0,00.

After I have created a bill, field "Receivables" gets updated.

Could you please advise how field "Sales value" could be correctly updated (i.e. with values of the sales orders that have not yet been transferred to FI )?

Because of the above, I can not get a warning or error message, at creation of sales order stage, when credit exposure > credit limit.

PS - I have tried VKM3, releasing sales orders, but issue still persists.

Please help

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Sandy Zhang
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:21 AM
Subject: Credit management-Why have values not been updated in FD32?

Dear experts,

At present, I have met a strange problem. When I configure credit management , the SO has already taken out the automatically credit check when I save the SO,and the field VBAP-CMPRE has the credit value. However, the FD32 doesn't carry out value update. For example, the Receivables/Sales value/Credit exposure.etc are still 0.
Every points in configuration are OK,and I have checked point by point.but I still don't know where is wrong?

Please help me.give me a clear direction to modify.
Thanks very much!

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[sap-log-sd] Credit Customer Blocked

Posted by srikant (SAP SD Senior Cnsultant)
on Jul 31 at 10:36 AM
When we are trying to create sales order for a customer the error message V1154 order receipt/delivery not possible is displayed
credit management
credit limit 1,450,000.00
Receivables 666,094.09
Sales value 11,126.92
ie credit exposure ?677,221.01
for that customer credit limit exposure is 47 %
DSO 35
Clearing amount 2,322,536.15
have checked in FD33 -credit management and there are no open items currently for this customer
also checked the credit managment for sold to party /payee etc

any reason why the sales order is not able to create
in OVA8 settings also oldest open items is 5 days
open order s/open DO's static check is maintained
Horizon is T -Daily
there are no oldest open item overdue

any reason /need to check any other than the above?

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RE:[sap-log-sd] Conversion of Pricing Master Data from Legacy System to SAP

Posted by adrianolopez
on Jul 30 at 11:13 PM
Thank you Dilip.
Can you also give me additional information such data elements, conversion tool, prerequisites, etc. Any link to the documentation and information is welcome.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Dilip SADH
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2011 12:35 PM
Subject: Conversion of Pricing Master Data from Legacy System to SAP

It is separate but customer should have been loaded if price elements are based on customer.
Secondly it could complex based on number of records and condition table, etc.

Dilip sadh

Sent from my iPad

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RE:[sap-log-sd] SAP Sales Orders cost with VC

Posted by EricMatzinger
on Jul 30 at 6:14 PM
You can also use MMCOM variant costing just like variant pricing on the SD side. Create a Ref char to MMCOM/ VKOND and pass a variant cost key

---------------Original Message---------------
From: srikant
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2011 10:02 AM
Subject: SAP Sales Orders cost with VC

You can choose VPRS -cost condition in your sales order.


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RE:[sap-log-sd] Address change in already billed sales order

Posted by Typewriter
on Jul 30 at 4:43 PM
Hi Marc,

After much testing (and reading theory), I have got it.

With regards to changes done in the Street address of SH To in a sales order, there are 2 PARTS.

Part 1 - Changes do NOT come through -
You have created a sales order, then created a delivery.
In table VBPA, Address indication for WE is Dand address # is say 83630 .

Now you go to VA02, Header level, Tab Partners, change Street / House number. Save sales order.
In VL02N, check the delivery SH To address - there is NO change. (it remains the original)
In table VBPA, Address indication for WE is now E and address # is say 9000000748 .

Part 2 - Changes do come through -
You have created a sales order, then in VA02 you change the SH To information (Street / House #). Then created a delivery.
In table VBPA, Address indication for WE is E and address # is say 9000000749.
The delivery shall have the changed SH To information.

Then you go to VA02, AGAIN change the SH To address (i.e. Change2) in the sales order. Go to VL02N, you shall see that Change2 has automatically come through to the delivery.

So, in part 2, when ever you change SH To address in your sales order, the change shall be automatically updated in your delivery.
The reason for this is - in my understanding -
In table VBPA, Address indication for WE is E and address # is STILL 9000000749. Thus system is checking E and 900000749 both are same as before, thus NO delivery split, NO problem; the SH To with change2 is transferred from sales order to the delivery.

When SAP consultants did tests in accordance to Part 1, there was no automatic change in SH To address is delivery. That is correct.

I suggest - for this particular case - you delete the delivery and after doing changes in your order, create a new delivery. The changes shall come through.
After that any number of changes done in the sales order, those shall come through to your delivery. (Of course all this is with condition that invoice is not yet created, as discussed earlier)


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Marc Hoffmann
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 2:54 PM
Subject: Address change in already billed sales order

Hi Typewriter,

I have contacted SAP again and explained that it works on your system as expected. They recreated the sceanrio on their system (create order and delivery note, then manually change the address (not the customer number) of the ship-to in the sales-order). The change is not carried forward into the delivery note. This is weird!


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Re: [sap-log-sd] Conversion of Pricing Master Data from Legacy System to SAP

Posted by sadhdilip (Engagement Director)
on Jul 30 at 12:34 PM
It is separate but customer should have been loaded if price elements are based on customer.
Secondly it could complex based on number of records and condition table, etc.

Dilip sadh

Sent from my iPad

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Adriano Lopez
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2011 12:14 PM
Subject: Conversion of Pricing Master Data from Legacy System to SAP

Hello experts,
This is an implementation project. Conversion of pricing data which is one of our next tasks.
1) Is migrating of pricing records part of customer master conversion or separate task?
2) It's a big and complex task. Please suggest me specific steps and precautions I should take it the conversion project.

Thank you.

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[sap-log-sd] Conversion of Pricing Master Data from Legacy System to SAP

Posted by adrianolopez
on Jul 30 at 12:13 PM
Hello experts,
This is an implementation project. Conversion of pricing data which is one of our next tasks.
1) Is migrating of pricing records part of customer master conversion or separate task?
2) It's a big and complex task. Please suggest me specific steps and precautions I should take it the conversion project.

Thank you.
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RE:[sap-log-sd] Sales Order Copy with Reference

Posted by Typewriter
on Jul 30 at 11:24 AM
Hi Mike,

Updating document flow (or in your words "tie back") is configured in one of the fields of copy control at item category level.
E.g. in VTLA, for sales doc type --> delivery type, at item category level, field "Update document flow" is activated then documents can be seen "connected" in VBFA and in VA02/03 icon "document flow".
If you deactivate field "Update document flow", in table VBFA, putting sales order # as preceding doc. System shall not give you follow-on document.

I have tested your above issue, it seems OK. When I give follow-on document #, I see all the preceding document #s in VBFA.
In your issue, are all documents having the same item category?

While testing, in order to answer your query, I came across the below question.


I want to "deactivate" update document flow between delivery and bill for an item category (say e.g. ZTAN). Where can I do that?

In other words in table VBFA when I put "Follow on" document as my invoice #, I do not want to see my delivery # as preceeding document.

I have checked VTFL, at item category level, there is NO field as "Update document flow"
also I have checked VTFA, at item category level, there is NO field as "Update document flow"

(in VTAA and VTLA, at item category level, there is field as "Update document flow" - but this is not an issue)

Please help.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Michael Perkins
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 11:10 AM
Subject: Sales Order Copy with Reference

SAP SD Guru's,

Is it standard functionality that when you copy with reference that the subsequent documents are tied back to the order that was copied from?

Looking at the document flow and table VBFA I see that with our KIT type orders especially.

The Deliveries and Billing Documents that are created are linked with the order that created it and the sales order that was copied from.

Browsing the VBFA table.

Enter the billing document number in the subsequent Document will show results of all KIT orders that were copied from a master document.

I only checked a few standard sales orders that were copied did not result in all preceding documents that were copied from.


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Re: [sap-log-sd] SAP Sales Orders cost with VC

Posted by srikant (SAP SD Senior Cnsultant)
on Jul 30 at 10:01 AM
You can choose VPRS -cost condition in your sales order.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Jai Choukse
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 5:02 PM
Subject: SAP Sales Orders cost with VC

Hello Jesus,
Use the Sales Order Costing. Ask the OM Consultant over there and he will
activate it in the Item Category.


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RE:[sap-log-sd] Address change in already billed sales order

Posted by Typewriter
on Jul 29 at 11:33 PM
Hi Marc,

I did some tests but the changes are NOT coming through, this is strange & contrary to my test results of yesterday.

I have the sales order, delivery, transfer order, bill, bill cancellation numbers from yesterday's test. And I can see the changes in the delivery (i.e. street) in the system. & I see in my notes too, I have written - "Yes, change in delivery".

I shall do test tests tomorrow and get back to you.

I don't understand this!


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Marc Hoffmann
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 2:54 PM
Subject: Address change in already billed sales order

Hi Typewriter,

I have contacted SAP again and explained that it works on your system as expected. They recreated the sceanrio on their system (create order and delivery note, then manually change the address (not the customer number) of the ship-to in the sales-order). The change is not carried forward into the delivery note. This is weird!


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