Hi Waza, Many thanks for your information, I'll pass it to our ABAPPER. Best Regards Roger
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: wnash7658 Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 9:41 PM Subject: Quantity control for quantity contract Hello, Don't think its possible without a direct change in FV45EF0V_VBEP_MENGE_PRUEFEN_VO. * Ist die insgesamt referierte Menge > als die Zielmenge der Vorlage ENHANCEMENT-SECTION VBEP-MENGE_PRUEFEN_VORLAGE_10 SPOTS ES_SAPFV45E. IF US_RMENG > US_ZMENG AND US_ZMENG > 0. WRITE US_ZMENG LEFT-JUSTIFIED UNIT US_VRKME TO DA_MENGC1. WRITE US_RMENG LEFT-JUSTIFIED UNIT US_VRKME TO DA_MENGC2. IF KOPIEREN EQ CHARX. MESSAGE I501 WITH DA_MENGC1 US_VRKME DA_MENGC2 US_VRKME. ELSE. SET CURSOR FIELD US_FIELD LINE SY-STEPL. MESSAGE W501 WITH DA_MENGC1 US_VRKME DA_MENGC2 US_VRKME. ENDIF. ENDIF. END-ENHANCEMENT-SECTION. Regards Waza | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 Toolbox.com and message author. Toolbox.com 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Roger Mou SAP Logistics Sales and Distribution Enthusiast
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