RE: [sap-log-sd] Chaning subject of the email in output medium 5

Posted by Dave Thornburgh (SAP JOAT)
on Jun 9 at 3:18 PM
Shaheen -

You're going to have a bit of a challenge with this one.

For the mail title, you can refer to fields in the delivery header. For example, if you want to include the delivery number and sold-to partner number in the mail title, you would make the title something like "Delivery number &LIKP-VBELN& for customer &LIKP-KUNAG&". Your challenge is, you want to include details that don't appear in the delivery data at all.

You have two options - which one to take depends on your company philosophy about custom changes.

One thing you could do would be to extend the LIKP table with custom fields to hold the details you need, and extend the copy control logic to fill the two extra fields. Then, you could refer to them in the mail title.

Another option would be to modify the print program, and have it override the configured mail title with your desired data.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Shaheen_ABAP
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 11:08 AM
Subject: Chaning subject of the email in output medium 5

Hello All,

I have checked the forum well before posting this query. But none could satisfy my query. So posting a new thread.

We are using a customised output type 'YZZA' for external deliveries. The output medium is set to 5 - External send. We are getting the email. The only requirement of the client now is to have the subject modified to contain 1. Sold-to-party Name 2. Country of the sold-to-party (This data will obviously come from KNA1).

I know we can maintain the mail title in 'Mail title and text'. But I wish to have the above said two fields as well in the subject.

Please bail me out guys!


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Dave Thornburgh
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