What is the difference between the Open Order Value used in Static check and the one used in Dynamic Check?
Simple Credit Check
Tr.Code – FD32
It Considers the Doc.Value + Open Items.
Doc.Value : Sales Order Has been saved but not delivered
Open Item : Sales Order has been saved , Delivered, Billed & Transfered to FI, but not received the payment from the customer.
Static Credit Check
it checks all these doc value & check with the credit limit
1) Open Doc.Value / Sales Order Value : Which is save but not delievered
2) Open Delivery Doc.Value : Which is delivered but not billed
3) Open Billing Doc.Value : Which is billed but not posted to FI
4) Open Item : Which is transfered to FI but not received from the customer.
Dynamic Credit Check
1) Open Doc
2) Open Delivery
3) Open Billing
4) Open Items
5) Horizon Period = Eg.3 Months
Here the System will not consider the above 1, 2, 3 & 4 values for the lost 3 months.