[sap-log-sd] Customer Hierarchy and Partner Function

Question from sapexplorer6 on Feb 7 at 3:49 PM
Dear SAP Gurus,

I known many people have asked this question before. But there weren't any replies for this question. Hence want to ask once again.

I have maintained customer hierarchy 1A in IMG and created customer hierarchy master data in SAP ECC. Also maintained the hierarchy through VDH1N

The problem is when I create an order, the hierarchy data is not copied into the sales order. I tried to manually assign 1A hierarchy and the customer into the customer function view, an error message appears as following:

" Partner from function customer hierarchy 1 can not be processed online."

Can anyone advise me on how to maintain the partner determination? Also do I need to maintain the partner functions 1A or 1B on customer master.

Thank you very much.
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