Hi Even after deleting it from document type the values do not match. But if I create contract from 1st Jan of the year then it gives almost correct value.If i remove billing plan setting then also it gives correct values.
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Typewriter Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2011 12:25 AM Subject: Periodic Billing Plan in Contract Please consider - 1. Is a billing plan type assigned to the sales document type in OVBP. If yes, then delete it. Make sure that billing plan type is assigned to the item category WVN, in OVBR. 2. Create a new contract in VA41 3. In that contract, check and compare Tab Condition at item and header level. Both Net values here must be identical. Furthermore, this value is then multiplied to get the Net value of the entire validity period. | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 Toolbox.com and message author. Toolbox.com 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Popular White Papers In the Spotlight _.____.__ |